Read our Massively Grandiose Affidavit, and see our vision for achieving better conditions for our planet Earth.
Our Vision
This is a massive work-in-progress and we want you to become part of
this movement.
The Life-platform we build allows anyone to quit their dayjob, get
income through our platform, and become a decentralized agent of
change for bettering humanity.
At Massive Global Agency (MGA), our mission is to transform humanity for the prosperity and happiness of all. We are a decentralized global movement that trains millions of agents, called Massives, to create a better world by eradicating poverty, corruption, war, and inequality. Through our Life platform, individuals can design and live a new, purpose-driven life, with the freedom to pursue their passions while contributing to global well-being.
We believe spirituality is key to our vision, as people are discovering their spiritual gifts and collaborating with the spirit world to create a more humane planet. The MGA works across industries and governments, aligning media, education, and policy with our mission to spread joy and abundance. By empowering individuals from all walks of life, we are making the world a better place, one step at a time.
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We are Globally Local, and Locally Global agency called the Massive Global Agency
The Massive Global Agency is a globally local and locally global movement for good, taking the world by large. The MGA consists of the Massive Movement, a spiritual intelligence agency, and a decentralized business that helps humans live fulfilling lives full of happiness, passion, and purpose.
The Massive Global Agency has trained millions of MGA Agents of Change, called Massives, to create a better planet and nurture humanity in their field and level of expertise. The Massives have infiltrated every level of local and global societies, and we work from our homes, offices, and factories to the prisons, camps, and jungles of our planet.
We live on Earth without violence, discrimination, wars, unnecessary fear, corruption, and poverty. Scarcity is gone, and we all live in abundance, joy, and happiness.
Everyone can do what they love and get paid if it doesn’t hurt anyone.
I’m the founder of MGA, my name is Tomas and this is my mission from the stars to establish Massive Global Agency on a firm foundation.
The Massive Movement consists of the workforce, entrepreneurs, NGOs, politicians, criminals, disabled people, kids, teenagers, adults, and elders from the aboriginals to super-humans.
We are all over the world on every level and work to raise the vibes of humanity.
We create decisions in our work and life according to the MGA missions we execute. We pitch our ideas, projects, ventures, and schemes to our bosses and leaders to see progress towards the MGA vision.
The Massives recognize each other like a secret with a plain-in-sight codex to know that we are here for our bold vision for the Earth. We have memes, codex, and gestures like the Freemasons and other social groups.
The Massives are here to make heaven on Earth, and we work with anyone on any level to collaborate for the prosperity and happiness of humanity.
We the Massives are decentralized agents of change, and we get paid for changing the world.
Anyone can be a Massive either full-time or even just every once in a while, to support humanity.
New life for you?
The MGA’s main product is the Life platform, where the users can ‘buy a new life for themselves.’ This desktop and mobile application, including the metaverse, helps users to discover and understand themselves more deeply. The platform provides tools to design a personalized life; users are paid to live it once the new life is created.
The MGA operates in any field it sees fit for achieving its vision. We work to end poverty, wars, corruption, and hunger. We strive to reform existing and create new global and local media platforms to facilitate and spread change. We encourage politicians to make decisions that benefit all of humanity, and we urge the entertainment industry to refrain from portraying violence and other negative traits on TV and streaming services. Our efforts yield significant progress, and people are becoming more vocal about demanding new jobs, content, events, laws, regulations, and education that lead to happier lives.
Education is transforming rapidly, and teachers are being introduced to the MGA and how they can teach more relevant stuff to kids and students, which in turn want to support the MGA vision and build an actual planet.
The world’s major industries are collaborating to make the MGA vision a reality, including food, energy, drugs, healthcare, manufacturing, information technology, commerce, real estate, construction, and finance.
The purpose of the platform is to provide a livelihood for MGA agents who have left their day jobs to become Massives, the decentralized agents of change.
Spirituality is the new normal
Humans are discovering that spirituality is not just religion or woo-woo, and we are beginning to understand that we can collaborate with the spirit world as generally as we can in everyday 3D life. We use mind-communication technology developed by the CIA and cooperate with alien life forms and spirits to achieve the MGA vision. Ordinary people are developing their spiritual capabilities and finding a new meaning for their lives: collaborating spiritually toward a new, humane world.
Mental illness is cured
People with disabilities and mental illness are finding out that they are not sick, but they have a spiritual gift so substantial that they can cultivate it for good. No more pointless fantasies, but we find meaning and begin to organize with different voices and delusions. People with mental challenges are finding their spirit guides who begin to help them achieve balance and purpose in life.
We are all brothers and sisters of the Earth
The MGA is supported by the world’s mystery schools and brotherhoods like the Freemasons, Rocicrucians,and Knights Templar. The currently operating intelligence agencies from the Westernand Eastern world all support the MGA and its spiritual intelligence agency. We are the MassiveGlobal Agency.
The core team
We have a dedicated team of Massives as employees who have found working for the MGA to be their purpose. We attract the best talent from the job market and allow novices to become professionals in their fields. We have offices on each continent, and we also collaborate remotely. We live for our missions; we don’t see the work with the MGA as a job or work in general. It’s our way of life, and we enjoy changing the world.
As MGA agents of change, we Massives choose to work on causes that align with our values on our terms and timelines. We are highly self-motivated and driven, without the need for a boss to dictate our actions. While we have team leaders and traditional work methods, our autonomy and passion guide us toward success.
According to the media, MGA may seem like a wild concept, but it has proven successful as the world is rapidly changing. Some Christians even compare MGA to the return of Jesus Christ, and everyday individuals are overcome with joy upon reading about it in the news. As one older woman exclaimed to her neighbor, it is the revolution of all revolutions.
Lawyers are using their legal knowledge to help free individuals required to work for the MGA, even if they may have been sentenced to years in jail. The justice system is scrutinized worldwide, with corrupt politicians and decision-makers held accountable.
Many established consumer brands are eager to support the MGA and have chosen to collaborate with us in various ways. We only partner with responsible brands that align with our vision for a better world and can demonstrate their commitment to it. By working together, we all succeed and thrive.
Some of the wealthiest families on Earth are beginning to discuss the MGA with prudence. Despite this, they know they will soon unite to propel the MGA to the next level at lightning speed.
So you read the Vision, are you ready to take some action?
Healthcare is a big business. Its close colleague is sickening business where people are made sick so they need to consume healthcare.
Humankind is able to solve the problem of poverty at will. We need to take our focus from our bosses profit towards a systemic change.
It takes years to mold a child to be part of our rotten societial system. It starts from the media we consume and continues in kindergarden and schools.
The fear and nonsense, un-needed information is spread as news and people are mass-programmed to believe what is true and what is acceptable and what is not.
Politics is a circus and a theaterical platform for clowns to compete in a flawed-by-design system. We are living in a plutocratic system.
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Our currently current playlist
This is the Working-Mode playlist for Massive Global Agency.