We are Massive Global Agency

Get equipped as an MGA Agent of Change

This is a massive work-in-progress and we want you to become part of this movement.

The Life-platform we build allows anyone to quit their dayjob, get income through our platform, and become a decentralized agent of change for bettering humanity.

Our set of values are in line with universal humanity


by taking action together we create what matters to us.


beautiful things in life make us happy and smiling. we love that.


being your true self means that everyone else sees the real you as well.


when everyone does more good to others, we will witness an inevitable shift in culture.


seeking to understand other peoples’ circumstances without judging them brings up emotional safety.


life and cultures has diverse forms which must not conflict. oppression is real.


first being true and honest to self will allow us to actually see and feel each other.


the lies that guard the truths are being transformed by love and action for the benefit of humanity.


unfortunately, some people don’t receive love in their upbringing. empathy and love will heal those wounds.


being totally free comes with a bunch of responsibilities like responsibility itself. we are free souls.


taking responsibility of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions is the expense of liberty.


love, the nurturing and constructive force for becoming you. by learning to love thyself you can love others.


often, life teaches us through misery and dark moments. we need to know ourselves and not believe every single authority.


respect goes both ways. by respecting ourselves we learn to respect and understand others. everyone is unique.


being in peace with you first enables you to tolerate imbalances and spread peace solely by your presence.


joy vibrates higher than love. being true and honest and not enslaving yourself will bring constant joy in your life.


often we as humans tend to trust more other people than ourselves. newsreaders, politicians, teachers, preachers.


the Earth is able to provide more than enough for everyone. scarcity is designed and can be transmuted to abundance.


the monetary system (scarcity) manipulates people to be cruel to others for their own survival. it also promotes greed.


with respect and tolerance we can live in peaceful harmony. however, the monetary system must also support that.


being aware of your true spirit and what you are here in for, is the key to live a life authentic for you.


sex is the strongest exchange of energies between people, combined with love it is the most powerful mixture of emotions.


being able to do things you like and enjoy is more important than the obligation to deserve your life by treading the hamster-wheel.


balanced living is important, as even too much good can be a curse. too much is too much.


being alive means that you can feel different emotions and accept them as they are. by feeling real, you become you.


the world is made with your own thoughts. you reflect and mirror your reality first in your mind.


doing work is good, especially when you do what really matters to you, and settle for no less.


many of us have been years and years in poor conditions. recovery is an important step to step into your own life.





Some of the causes we care about

Health, healthcare and sickening business


Healthcare is a big business. Its close colleague is sickening business where people are made sick so they need to consume healthcare.

Health, healthcare and sickening business


Humankind is able to solve the problem of poverty at will. We need to take our focus from our bosses profit towards a systemic change.

Health, healthcare and sickening business


It takes years to mold a child to be part of our rotten societial system. It starts from the media we consume and continues in kindergarden and schools.

Health, healthcare and sickening business


The fear and nonsense, un-needed information is spread as news and people are mass-programmed to believe what is true and what is acceptable and what is not.

Health, healthcare and sickening business


Politics is a circus and a theaterical platform for clowns to compete in a flawed-by-design system. We are living in a plutocratic system.

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This is the Working-Mode playlist for Massive Global Agency.